Cajones, Kalimbas and Bar Chimes Sky Jam Percussion

Sky Jam Percussion
Cajones, Kalimbas and bar-chimes Sky Jam Percussion.
Sky Jam Percussion
About us
We are Sky Jam Percussion - a workshop that creates percussion musical instruments.

We are currently making three types of percussion instruments:
cajons, kalimbas and barchimes.

All instruments are handmade, so each one is unique.

It took us a long time to create instruments of such a quality, and we are proud of what we have achieved. We keep experimenting with materials in search of new sounds and unique looks in our workshop.

We are responsible for the high quality and timely production of each instrument (takes from 2 to 10 days to produce one).

Some of the instruments are always available, you can come and test (call beforehand).

Our uniqueness
We love and appreciate handcraft. We are committed to what we create.
Natural materials
We use only natural materials.
High quality sound
We tune each instrument for the best sound possible.
Worldwide delivery
We send instruments all around the world (have been already shipped to USA, Australia, France, China, etc).
Author's engraving
We make unique engraving, your very own design can be used (upon request).
Phone: +380 (96) 344 54 47
You can leave your phone number and we'll call you back